Retaliation Against The Noncompliant Custody Advocate Clinician

Posted by Not Without My Child

In the thirty nine years of practice as a clinician/family therapist (since 1972, post graduate school – MSW, PHD) and next ten years as a forensic consultant (post further graduate school MSHS – Law and Expert Witness Testimony), Jones-Soderman has only come across two spiteful, vengeful complainants against her, personally and professionally. One such complainant was Margaret Mary McVeigh a Chancery Court Judge in the Family Division of the Family Court in Passaic County New Jersey, whom she sued, along with McVeigh's various state conspirators and professional – state paid flunkies, and Karl Hindle, a citizen of the United kingdom who was and has never been a patient of Jones-Soderman in any capacity.

Margaret Mary McVeigh, whom Jones-Soderman had never met, never appeared before in her court in New Jersey wrote a letter to a licensing board in New Jersey, not even a licensing board of which she was apart. Jones-Soderman had numerous years of training and

McVeigh stated in May 2001, that Jill Jones-Soderman LCSW – P/R, PHD, had “written a report related to a domestic violence case being heard in her court”. She stated that she had not presented a copy of the report to “the attorneys for the Plaintiff and the Defendant in the case involved” and that she had contacted her chambers in some manner attempting to “influence the outcome of the domestic violence case being heard” before her. Further, she stated that she had never seen the father in the case in question.

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The facts just presented did not become known until June, 2006; more than five years after a letter by McVeigh was written to a licensing board in New Jersey which never disclosed the facts regarding the complaint which was based on a fictional event which never occurred, as no report to anyone on any matter related to this case was ever written. Jones-Soderman was a subpoenaed witness who never was allowed to appear as a witness for the client, the Plaintiff whose three children were transferred from the hands of the protective parent into the hands of their abuser. Twelve year old Islam Elkaryoney committed suicide by choking himself to death – not out of despair, but out of refusal to live with a father who beat and tortured his mother and brothers for years until Jones-Soderman's intervention as a forensic consultant briefly freed them to live and hope to move from New Jersey to Kansas, to the safety and protection of the mother's family. The court put an end to that hope by removing Jones-Soderman from the case and encircling the protective parent in a choke - hold of DYFS workers and court conspirators which proved the family's undoing.

Jill Jones-Soderman was threatened in the sequestered court rooms of 401 Grand St., Patterson, New Jersey, told by the lawyers of the father (Defendant) that if she testified, she would never practice as a LCSW again, despite the fact that no complaints or law suits were ever placed against her license. McVeigh and her co-conspirator Paul Dasher, PHD, court appointed psychologist for the Passaic County Court in the case of Lough v. Elkaryoney Docket No.wrote letters, which eventually were referred to the correct licensing board, but not made known to Jones-Soderman until those letters and a referral by the Director of the Licensing Board were discovered in approximately, June 2010, as part of a law suit filed against Richard S. Mazawey, Esq. of Clifton, New Jersey. Jones-Soderman retained Mazawey in July 2005, but did not locate the “smoking gun papers” until Richard S. Mazawey, Esq. was sued for mal practice by Jones-Soderman as he withheld proof of the connection between the New Jersey Licensing Board and the McVeigh connection to the licensing board seeking to destroy Jones-Soderman's credibility and profession as a clinician and a Forensic Consultant.

The McVeigh cronies who Jones-Soderman repeatedly accused of having suspected that money changed hands between McVeigh and the Defendants lawyers to suppress testimony which allowed children to be sadistically, brutally punished and transferred from the hands of the protective parent into the hands of the abuser, made good on their threats to discredit Jones-Soderman wherever she practiced. Jones-Soderman's complaints against McVeigh and Dasher did not stop with the EInlkaryoney case and has in fact followed McVeigh and Dasher into the present time period. In turn, the New Jersey Licensing Board and their personnel have maintained active contact with Licensing Boards and reporting agencies throughout the country, documenting false information in a vague, yet viciously derogatory manner. A Judge in New York in 2010 was asked “What did Ms. Jones-Soderman do in New Jersey....”, the prosecutor stated, “I have no idea”.

The licensing board in question was the same licensing board who tried to investigate a claim that a client had been over charged when Jones-Soderman refused to pursue a custody case on behalf of a client who wished to retain her services. Upon evaluation of the client's claims for reaching out to gain custody of a grand child, Jones-Soderman not only evaluated the client as being insane, she also became aware that he had been arrested for having murdered his first wife by shooting her six times and impregnating one of his daughter's. A second daughter was impregnated by the client's father. Both girls had run from the home of their father and his second wife and sought safety and protection through public agencies who were protecting the girls and their children of whom the father wished to gain custody. Records were requested by the licensing board who had no HIPPA release for permission to view records which included criminal files from Eliot Spitzer's office when he was District Attorney in New York and other records from treatment agencies concerning the paternity allegations and diagnostic history of the parent in question.
Jones-Soderman simply refused to advocate for a parent/family of well documented abusers. She did not in any manner attempt to abuse confidential information nor would she have and did not reveal information that would compromise the children in question. Mr Cantone of the New York Licensing Board, Department of Professional Discipline returned a strong censure stating that when records were requested – those records were meant to be sent immediately – with or without HIPPA releases. Ms. Jones-soderman allowed her attorney, Anthony Matessi of Westchester New York to answer that letter.

Ms. Jones-Soderman works as a Forensic Consultant with an expertise in Family Court fraud, Judicial abuse, over-reaching and legal “dirty tricks”, navigating the circuitous course of cases through the court maze, while supporting her clients emotionally and tactically, when she believes that those client's warrant advocacy and support.

She relates that her greatest problem at this point is that as New Jersey and related Licensing Boards have given client's a sense of ammunition that can be used against her, that false allegations can be made and appear to be supported by other false allegations via the Licensing Boards with which she was once affiliated.
Such a client is Karl Hindle of the United Kingdom who requested the aid and assistance of Ms. Jones-Soderman. Mr. Hindle requested assistance in coming to New York to participate in a custody suit to protect his daughter, Emily Rose Hindle whom he stated was in danger of being sold to a pedophile.

He pleaded that the U.S. State department was affording him no assistance and that he was not being allowed into the U.S. As he had no place to stay, lacked funds and resources to travel
to defend his child. Ms. Jones-Soderman, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts, 501C3, upon hearing Mr. Hindle's plight and receiving considerable documentation from attorneys in Florida who represented Mr. Hindle in this custody case, The foundation offered to assist Mr. Hindle with housing, food and transportation through their program - “Haven Hearth” which confidentially, without charge will provide food and lodging for adults and children in various forms of jeopardy.
Mr. Hindle was assisted with food, lodging, transportation, partial legal funding sent to his attorneys

by cashiers checks and Mr. Hindle did receive a visitor's Visa from the U.K. to attend court proceedings on behalf of his daughter Emily. Dealings with Mr. Hindle in person lasted for a period of perhaps seven days, during which his attorneys requested a Forensic Custody Evaluation to be performed by Ms. Jones-Soderman.who by this time had spent considerable time with Mr. Hindle and had become thoroughly familiar with his history, past and present circumstances.

Upon declining to provide any further services to Mr. Hindle, he became threatening, harassing, demanding, making slanderous statements – including that he had been a client, entitled to receipt of insurance reimbursement. Forensic services are never reimbursed by insurance under any circumstances and Mr. Hindle, a resident of the U.K. was never a client of Jill Jones-Soderman in any manner, shape or form..



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