Posted by Not Without My Child

                                   BLAMING THE VICTIM

I despise the smug, sanctimonious words of those who look at the desperate acts of those whom have given or taken their lives, having had their lives taken from them by the sadistic brutality of the ignorant, though sometimes highly educated pundits who clutter the court rooms, witness stands, chat rooms of yahoo and google and the like.

There are those who say - "oh - there must have been more to that situation than we knew," or, "it shows he really was unstable", or " he used the words "feminist" so he probably harbored some deep hatred toward his wife who took his children, his money, his work, his home, his dignity - before he dowsed himself with gasoline, lit a match and set himself on fire on the steps of the New Hampshire Court House, or blew his brains out at the edge of his swimming pool in Georgia, when his children were removed.

Others "drink the cool aid' and blame  themselves as per the direction of the mindless, inane, uneducated caseworkers of what are so inaptly named "child protective services" who drag victims from the courts into their supervised spider webs where the fates of our future serial killers the loveless, soulless, brutalized new generation of sadistic killers are plotted. Those who are willing to take on the guilt, the responsibility handed to them - in hopes of regaining their children are out of touch with the facts that it is not the system - that is broken - but the inhumanity of people placed in positions of too much power, with access to too much money.

The professional victims who thrive on the attention, the exchange of terrible stories and the endless conferences that parade the stories of victims and their victim hood, the proximity to power and fame  - yet who do not proclaim the names of the judges, lawyers, guardian ad litem, prosecutors, police who are the true torturers. These crowds are the ones responsible for the ongoing plague perpetuated by child protective services; the moans and groans of "how terrible" are meaningless when compared to the suffering of children who have been separated from good parents and good parents who are forced to endure the loss of a child, or children whom they adore. The pure stupidity of those who blame those who speak out and are severely punished, perpetuate the brutality, immorality, and endless harm caused by those who are blind and refuse to see, deaf and who refuse to hear and dumb, yet refuse to learn - yet the messages are all   around.

Rolanda Pierre Dixon Esq., Assistant  Attorney General in Santa Clara California began the death review boards, looking at how victims of domestic violence were dying. The pattern of victims being killed by their known abusers was increasing in deaths during car accidents. The death review boards came to the conclusion that as police were doing a better job of stopping violence in the home, the violence moved from home to cars where the abuser could isolate the victim and gain control. The victim isolated with the abuser was helpless in the car as the abuser would in fits of rage strike out, ending with the death or severe beating of the victim. As one woman had her arm severed in a car accident caused by her abuser having ripped off her arm during a brutal fight in which she was trying to flee his assaults - he stated - "damn woman would have to die on me"........... it was her fault!

It is not the they - but the we - and if we do not grapple with our own identification with power, glory, fame, empty praise, greed - then the plague on all of our houses will continue.


Posted by Not Without My Child

Jill Jones-Soderman has written and lectured about parents who lose their children lose their minds.

In her manuscript - "When Madness Is The Psyche's Only Nurse" the case histories of families who have lost their children to suicide because of being transferred from the hands of the protective parent into the hands of their abuser are depicted and discussed.

Parents who have committed suicide because of having lost their children - unjustly are often referred to by an ignorant public as "UNSTABLE". The fact of the suicides seems to confirm that the parent was unfit. Jones-Soderman states that she interprets this reaction to the need to protect one's self from the horror of the thought that such incompetence, ineptitude, corruption exists in the legal forums of the courts, the legal industry and the mental health industry.

Readers need to view the entire final statement of this man who set himself on fire on the steps of the Cheshire County Court House in New Hampshire.

We have posted about the deaths of children, Islam Elkaryoney and adults, such as Greg Eisenhower of Georgia, whose pictures and story remain on The site and site. Today we will post the story of this latest victim of Family Courts across the country. For those who have not experienced the abuse of the Family Courts and their associated governing bodies cannot imagine the damage experienced by families. Those who have experienced such sadistic cruelty, lawlessness and abuse never forget and never recover!

The attached letter from another court victim will remain posted and he will never be forgotten!


Written by Staff Writer of NOTWITHOUTMYCHILD - ZIPORA

"Not Without My Child!" Parents Outraged When Children Are Seized

Posted by Not Without My Child

"Not without my child " are almost always the words cried out by parents whose children have been illegally seized by child protective services or the transfer of children from the protective parent to the abuser in family courts across the country.

So many good parents righteously and correctly cannot believe that their beloved, well cared for children are seized  as they stand by helplessly. The family court has access to police enforcement, which can jail a parent on charges dictated by the judge - ( refer to my writing on the case of Stephen Allen Jr./mother - Sandra Allen, jailed in the Queens Court house of Family court by Judge Rhea Friedman who retired after the uproar over the incarceration of a mother who was silently praying in the vestibule of the court, prior to attending a hearing. The mother, Mrs. Sandra Allen was jailed, then hospitalised under court order of Rhea Friedman. The hospitalisation and resulting toxic diagnoses sought to stigmatise the client forever, causing her to not only forfeit her child, but also her work career as the toxic diagnosis would follow her through the Medical Insurance Board and child Abuse registries which are distributed across the country.

The case of Stephen Allen Jr. and his family's fight for his freedom has been written up extensively, both in the NY Post News Paper and in numerous articles written by Jill Jones-Soderman, posted on her web site

As in the five stages of grief, so follows the stages that families go through in fighting for their children against a well staffed system whose power, authority, access to law enforcement and intimidation is not equal to the resources of the normal middle class family, or even the very wealthy. Those who are initially outraged soon learn to become fearful, humbled, humiliated as the court can make any accusation, speculation, derogatory comment they wish. The client who is generally represented by a court appointed attorney - or even a private attorney - who has to work in this court - and whose colleagues are the Judge, prosecutor, child protective services lawyers, guardian ad litem attorneys, etc. These are the people who the clients lawyer will work with every day and with the next case - and the next case - and so on. You the client are a fleeting element of your lawyers life - these others are permanent fixtures with whom your lawyer will deal as long as the lawyer is in practice in that area.

Lawyers can make deals behind the client's back - say one thing to the client and another to colleagues (refer to the article "Lawyers Who Betray Their Clients" - posted on web site

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Retaliation Against The Noncompliant Custody Advocate Clinician

Posted by Not Without My Child

In the thirty nine years of practice as a clinician/family therapist (since 1972, post graduate school – MSW, PHD) and next ten years as a forensic consultant (post further graduate school MSHS – Law and Expert Witness Testimony), Jones-Soderman has only come across two spiteful, vengeful complainants against her, personally and professionally. One such complainant was Margaret Mary McVeigh a Chancery Court Judge in the Family Division of the Family Court in Passaic County New Jersey, whom she sued, along with McVeigh's various state conspirators and professional – state paid flunkies, and Karl Hindle, a citizen of the United kingdom who was and has never been a patient of Jones-Soderman in any capacity.

Margaret Mary McVeigh, whom Jones-Soderman had never met, never appeared before in her court in New Jersey wrote a letter to a licensing board in New Jersey, not even a licensing board of which she was apart. Jones-Soderman had numerous years of training and

McVeigh stated in May 2001, that Jill Jones-Soderman LCSW – P/R, PHD, had “written a report related to a domestic violence case being heard in her court”. She stated that she had not presented a copy of the report to “the attorneys for the Plaintiff and the Defendant in the case involved” and that she had contacted her chambers in some manner attempting to “influence the outcome of the domestic violence case being heard” before her. Further, she stated that she had never seen the father in the case in question.

                                       (Click Title to Read Full Article)

Inspirational Quote

Posted by Not Without My Child

Children need to be seen, heard, protected, and believed or else we lose them!
               - Jill Jones-Soderman

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